TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #52: TIME MARCHES ON by Chris La Vigna ( @Chris_LaVigna )/ Featuring a review from Ray Berly ( @autopsyturvy ) This is a tough image for me to look at... Greetings and salutations, my loyal Satanic minions! Today's broadcast of TERMINAL TRANSMISSION was yet another frighteningly fun bout of sonic revelry. I opened with a brief tribute to Rock Opera Maestro and all-around songwriting legend Jim Steinman (R.I.P. King). I then played a cool mix of electronica, heavy metal, and of course a little J-funk/J-rock to spice it up nice. In other words, it was all the usual goodness regular listeners should come to expect from T.T. I started off the episode with a recording of a poem I wrote titled "Wounds Over Muzak," backed by a Clown Core instrumental track. It was really fun to do, and at the risk of wading too deep into the waters of artistic pretension, I'm thinking about incorporating more of my own poetry/spoken word into the show. As if I don...