
Showing posts from March, 2021


 TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #48 :  WIFE GUY DIRECTOR by Chris La Vigna ( @Chris_LaVigna ) Paul W.S. Anderson & Milla Jovovich: The ultimate cinematic power couple Today's broadcast of TERMINAL TRANSMISSION was fun and swept past nice and easy. I felt like I was in good form throughout and didn't stumble or lapse into awkward silences too much. Hell, I've only been doing this for almost a year now, who would expect me to actually be competent at it?! Well, I guess I would! The good news is: I am competent at broadcasting, and I'm getting a little bit better each time I do it. I'll be honest: the last week or so has been insanely stressful and rough for me for mostly personal reasons. I've just been trying my damndest to balance out various aspects of my life that I've been juggling for far too long, and I'm at a point where I'm going to have to set some things aside. Eventually, this show might have be one of those things, but for now we're going s...


 TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #47 :  EXILE ON CENTRAL AVE by Chris La Vigna ( @Chris_LaVigna ) Yonkers feels strange in these early months of 2021... Today's broadcast of TERMINAL TRANSMISSION was interesting, in that I feel like I managed to do a good job and keep in good spirits, but I could feel a haze of melancholy hanging over me throughout the show, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if any listeners out there detected it in my voice (perhaps because they feel it enveloping them as well?). Nevertheless, I soldiered through. By the end of the show, as I bopped along to the song "Run with Anger" from the BUBBLEGUM CRISIS OVA, fantasizing about being the leader of a cool biker gang, I was feeling much better. I've been having this recurring dream for a little while now, one where I'm somehow back in high school as a twenty-nine year old man, taking classes and dealing with all the stress and bullshit that high school dealt me back in my teens years, but with the e...


 TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #46: BELIEVING THE STRANGEST THINGS by Chris LaVigna ( @Chris_LaVigna )/ featuring a review from Ray Berly ( @autopsyturvy ) Pictured: Brak dutifully guarding my latest sigil Today's TERMINAL TRANSMISSION was yet another solid entry into what will soon be a year's worth of top-quality internet radio insanity. I started things off hard and heavy with some New York Hardcore and Noise, moved into the Black Metal and Grindcore spheres of influence for a bit, then finished things off with some smooth, slinky, and synth-kissed Rock 'N' Roll, both inspired by the 1970s and from the actual decade itself. It's the kind of mix that regular listeners of the show have undoubtedly come to expect from me, although I will admit that I've been going a bit light on the Anime OST Cuts and J-Rock Bangers. I should probably get around to fixing that soon... My "Bandcamp Pick Of The Week" for this show was the new track from Yonkers' own We Are ...


  TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #45:   CATCH THE WAVE 2099 by Chris La Vigna ( @Chris_LaVigna ) "Catch The Wave?!" Today's TERMINAL TRANSMISSION was hijacked! Somehow my feed was taken over by a rogue broadcaster from the future, and he mocked me by playing a bunch of cool songs I would've played had I not gotten my airtime STOLEN from me! This DJ DeLorean is obviously a menace. Just listen to the way he cryptically talks about the perils of the future, his weird tone of voice, his hollow laugh... something is seriously wrong with that half-man, half-machine DJ! In all seriousness though, I love doing themed shows, and I loved getting (or rather, giving myself) the chance to play a character again. I feel like I could've worked harder on giving DJ DeLorean a more unique voice, instead just a subdued version of my standard DJ voice with some cool computer sounds beeping and booping away in the background, but that has more to do with me broadening my range as a voice actor...


  TERMINAL TRANSMISSION #44 :  KIDS LOVE IT! by Chris La Vigna ( @Chris_LaVigna ) TERMINAL TRANSMISSION: It's what the hip kids are boppin' too! Today's broadcast of TERMINAL TRANSMISSION, the first one of March 2021, was... well, it was a bit of shitshow, if I'm being completely honest. The wifi kept going out in my apartment, most likely due to the crazy severe winds we've got going on in New York right now, and unfortunately I wasn't able to hold for a full hour. Early on into the show, I cut out and I spent a solid chunk of my time off the air feeling off kilter, rambling about how I was losing time and probably going to have to cut songs.  I've grown accustomed to having a lively and active rapport with some regular listeners/fellow Kpiss DJs in the chat, and being cut off from them made me lose my groove. I suppose if this experience taught me anything, it's that I need to be more ready to riff off-the-cuff in case of technical difficulties like th...